Through the active participation of its Member banks, Global Credit Data provides an international forum for exploring the intricacies of credit risk management and sharing of best practice. The Association works on a ‘Give to Get’ basis: rather than “shareholders’ value”, the active participation of its Member-banks creates “membership value” for each one’s immediate benefit.
The three decision making bodies / committees:
Committee | Role |
General Meeting of Members |
Members only: Login to our member website and consult the library on all presentations / resolutions discussed in the General Meetings of Members so far. |
Board of Directors |
Members only: Log into our member website to consult the Annual Report of Activities for more information. |
Methodology Committee |
Members only: Log into our member website to follow the decisions in the Methcom as well as in its subcommittees. |
The decisions of the Board of Directors are carried out by the Executives of GCD.