WG IFRS 9 #8/2017: Modelling “life-time” of revolving facilities
Dear WG IFRS 9 / CECL members, please find attached the material for our next working group meeting on modelling choices for the life-time of revolving facilities. Derek Manuge (an independent consultant, also currently working with KPMG Canada) will share his thoughts and experiences. We know that interesting session is scheduled at a day, which is a holiday in some of the European countries. Unfortuneately, we could not find an alternative date on a short term . As usual , the session will be recorded and the link shared afterwards. If you have certain questions on the presentation , feel free to contact either me or the author. Best regards, Daniela ///////////////// Streaming link: https://pecdc.webex.com/pecdc/ldr.php?RCID=36a7bb9f15c0f2a549b50b56ae6cb494 Downloading link: https://pecdc.webex.com/pecdc/lsr.php?RCID=91798ca4b2296dc6e8a63e62713d46a7 Password: iceberg Contact person:Daniela Thakkar Location:Webex call