GCD's Mission is to help banks understand and model credit risks. The comprehensive data pools are collected over a decade and distributed back to members for their own research and modelling.


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GCD is a unique data consortium that owns banks internal data for both PD and LGD. GCD’s data pools support the key parameters of banks’ credit risk modelling: Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD), Exposure at Default (EAD).

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GCD’s library gives access to wide variety of publications on risk related topics. Global Credit Data members work together to analyse the data and discuss methodology issues. GCD has published numerous papers and is actively promoting academic research on the data collected.

Access the Library 

Members not only benefit from exclusive rights and access to credit databases and analytics, but also from knowledge and research facilitation possible via the unique industry association.

Through a variety of forums such as workshops, webinars and surveys, GCD is an active industry participant facilitating the discussion in key strategic areas.

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Global Credit Data collects raw data from its members and distributes it back to them for use in their own analysis and modelling. GCD supports its members by providing a flexible high-end tool on the data pool: the GCD Visual Analyzer. Member banks can create dynamic Reference Data Sets and generate instant views on the data.

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Australian Conference Sydney December 2019

  Global Credit Data's Australia Conference is kindly hosted by CBA in Sydney.  In this 1-day event, members, academics and GCD excecutives will present on different approaches on how to deal with the challenges credit risk modelling is currently facing when it comes to modelling LGD, EaD and PD for various purposes within a bank. Participants will also have the chance to see presentations on the GCD data and engage in our round table discussion sessions.    New Address: CBA, 5-7 Central Ave, South Eveleigh, NSW 2015, Sydney The most recent agenda can be downloaded here.    This event is for members only as well as based on invitations sent out to dedicated specialists from the industry. Please contact us for any inquiries.     Registration process:    Employees working for a GCD member bank:  Please login to our member website and click here to register. If you do not have an account yet, please create an account first.  Non-members:  Please register here. GCD will come back to you with a confirmation of your attendance.  Location:Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Darling Park Tower 1, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney

GCD Methcom Meeting #9/2019

Join Zoom Meeting https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/890399165 Meeting ID: 890 399 165 One tap mobile +19294362866,,890399165# US (New York) +16699006833,,890399165# US (San Jose) Dial by your location         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 890 399 165 Find your local number: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/u/abL3Yawkl https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/890399165 Location:https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/890399165

LGD Subcommittee Meeting #6/2019

Join Zoom Meeting https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/268695742 Meeting ID: 268 695 742 One tap mobile +16699006833,,268695742# US (San Jose) +19294362866,,268695742# US (New York) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 268 695 742 Find your local number: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/u/abL3Yawkl Location:https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/268695742

WG #2/ 2019-2020: Survey results

Login details Join Zoom Meeting Phone one-tap: US: +19294362866,,510546640# or +16699006833,,510546640# Meeting URL: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/510546640 Meeting ID: 510 546 640 Join by Telephone For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location. Dial: US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 510 546 640 International numbers   Contact person:Daniela Thakkar Location:Zoom call

BP Subcommittee #1/2020

Benchmarking Platform Subcommittee meeting for H1 2020 cycle.  January 23, 2020, 10am EST / 4pm CET Contact person:Hale Tatar (GCD) Location:Zoom call

LGD Subcommittee Meeting #1/2020

Join Zoom Meeting https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/622179748 Meeting ID: 622 179 748 One tap mobile +16699006833,,622179748# US (San Jose) +19294362866,,622179748# US (New York) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 622 179 748 Find your local number: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/u/abL3Yawkl https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/622179748 Location:Zoom

Methcom Meeting #1/2020

Join Zoom Meeting https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/399390642 Meeting ID: 399 390 642 One tap mobile +16699006833,,399390642# US (San Jose) +19294362866,,399390642# US (New York) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) Meeting ID: 399 390 642 Find your local number: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/u/abL3Yawkl https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/399390642 Location:https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/399390642

PD Subcommittee #1/2020

Dear members of the PD Subcommittee,  We also kindly invite you to our next PD Subcommittee meeting to discuss about the next priorities for the PD platform.  Please press on the attached ics-item to save the meeting in your agenda.  The slide deck will be shared soon.     Best regards Olivier & Daniela   Location:Zoom Call

PD Subcommittee #2/2020

Dear members of the PD Subcommittee,  We also kindly invite you to our next PD Subcommittee meeting.  Please accept the attached ics-item to save the meeting in your agenda.  The slide deck will be shared soon. Meeting URL: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/935758631   Best regards     Location:Zoom Call Aganda:https://www.globalcreditdata.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/gcd_pd_subcommittee_meeting_2_2020.ics

GCD LGD Subcommittee Meeting #2/2020

Join Zoom Meeting https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/910625081 Meeting ID: 910 625 081 One tap mobile +13017158592,,910625081# US +13126266799,,910625081# US (Chicago) Dial by your location         +1 301 715 8592 US         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)         +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)         +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 910 625 081 Find your local number: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/u/abL3Yawkl https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/910625081 Location:https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/910625081

Methcom Meeting #2/2020

Methcom Meeting #2/2020 https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/98711566836

PD Subcommittee #3/2020

Dear members of the PD Subcommittee,  We also kindly invite you to our next PD Subcommittee meeting.  Please accept the attached ics-item to save the meeting in your agenda.  The slide deck will be shared before the meeting. Meeting URL: https://globalcreditdata.zoom.us/j/755074318 Meeting ID : 755 074 318 Best regards     Location:Zoom Call Aganda:https://www.globalcreditdata.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/gcd_pd_subcommittee_meeting_3_2020.ics https://www.globalcreditdata.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/material_pd_subcommittee_april_23rd_2020.pdf https://www.globalcreditdata.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1_minutes_pd_subcommittee_20200423.pdf