Downturn LGD Study 2020

Downturn LGD Study 2020

Downturn LGD Study 2020 This Global Credit Data (GCD) study looks into the historical effects of previous downturns on bank credit losses across various debtor types, industries and regions, with a view to helping banks understand not only the high-level impacts of a...
GCD North American Conference 2021

GCD North American Conference 2021

Key Takeaways This year at Global Credit Data’s North American Conference GCD’s Members came together to discuss the pressing credit risk issues that banks are facing today.   Global Credit Data was proud to have hosted several important guest speakers this year...
GCD Data Quality

GCD Data Quality

Since 2004, GCD has continuously reinforced a framework that is used to measure and monitor Data Quality (DQ). The objective is to achieve high DQ and compliance for theGCD pooled data, as required by global regulations (BCBS 239, ECB Guide to internal models, Fed...