CECL Benchmarking Survey 2019

CECL Benchmarking Survey 2019

CECL requires a complex set of methological choices. Accenture, Global Credit Data, and the Institute of International Finance partnered to provide U.S. banks with a benchmark to help them assess their readiness to implement CECL. Step 1 was a detailed survey, to be...
Downturn LGD Study 2017

Downturn LGD Study 2017

Does loss given default (LGD) depend on the economic cycle and if so how can it be measured? This question still concerns risk modellers and regulators as part of their comprehensive risk assessment. In 2013 GCD published a first downturn LGD study based on the GCD...
Shipping Finance LGD Study 2017

Shipping Finance LGD Study 2017

The shipping industry is the backbone of global trade. More than almost any other sector, it benefits from globalization and economic upturn. This also makes the industry vulnerable to economic downturns. GCD loss data confirms this general observation. This report...