GCD Data Quality Dashboard 2023 – available

by | Feb 21, 2023 | 2023, News, Public

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Since 2004, GCD has continuously reinforced a framework that is used to measure and monitor Data Quality (DQ). The objective is to achieve high DQ and compliance for the GCD pooled data, as required by global regulations (BCBS 239, ECB Guide to internal models, Fed SR1107).

Data Quality Reports are made available on a yearly basis.

The dashboards provide the following information for each reporting period, identifying the overall data quality within the GCD LGD-EAD Data Pool:

  • Data Quality Scores per dimension
  • Freshness of the data
  • Member similarity assessments on key risk drivers
  • Overview of achieved data volumes
  • Trends on data quality metrics
  • Brief narrative summarizing the key topics

Download the Data Quality Dashboards: