Benchmarking platform: Documentation

Currently the following the documents are available to support member banks in their data submission efforts: 

Document Description
Complete Set of Documentation Download here the complete set of documentation for the Benchmarking platform collection, all bundled together in one zip file 
Central List The central list contains the names of the entities we are benchmarking (incl their identifiers). Any member can add any additional names to be benchmarked. Please contact the GCD executives. 
Data Input Structure  This document provides the structure of the tables that should be used to create the input data files, including all field names, validation rules and a data model diagram. ​
Data Output Structure – Names This document provides the structure of the tables for the data deliverable that is send back to the member banks for their name benchmarking submission
Data Output Structure – Clusters This document provides the structure of the tables for the data deliverable that is send back to the member banks for their cluster benchmarking submission. 
Datamodel User Guide A comprehensive guidance on all input fields and the data submission process.
Examples GCD developed a set of examples on how banks should fill out their submission files. 
Release Notes This document provides the changes done in the input structure, validation rules etc in the current submission cycle

Specific information for certain asset classes / segments: 

Document Description
US Segmentation  User guidance on how to derive the US Segmentation from available information (e.g. asset class) 

Documentation related to data submission process: 

Document Description
Guidance for submission on portal  This guidance document helps member banks step by step through the submission process on our data portal