LGD & EAD Platform Documentation

Document Description
LGD-EAD Platform Documentation Index A single pdf document containing all necessary documents in one complete set: User Handbook, Data Guide, Release Notes, example files and guidance for the example files.
LGD-EAD Platform Data Structure and Validation Guide This Document provides the structure of the tables that should be used to create the input data files, including all field names, structure of the tables for data deliverable that is send back to member banks, validation rules and a data model diagram. ​
User Handbook The User Handbook aims to help all member banks to understand the LGD-EAD Platform data model (data input as well as data return) so that they can use the data appropriately in their modelling and validation processes. Includes general guidance and examples and specific guidance for the use of facility types, collateral reporting and valuation and transaction balancing between default and resolution. Furthermore, FAQ’s on different topics are covered.
Example files These excel files are the exact excel files needed for uploading data for the examples used in the Guidance on Example Excels. Global Credit Data LGD – EAD Platform Template Data Submission File Excel H2 2024.xls can be used as template.

The data model itself consists of 8 tables. For each reported defaulted loan, the tables can be repeated, when relevant, to reflect the evolution through time, allowing 5 different “snapshots” at “Origination”, “one year prior to Default”, “date of the Default”, “post Default” and, finally, at “Resolution”. The table Nr 8, “the Loan Transaction table”- is like a statement of account reflecting the entries in and out (recovery cash flow, write-off, etc) in-between the transfer of the loan in default and its resolution.

Release Notes Data Input Contains all the changes in the data input systems that are implemented for the current submission and which affect the member bank’s data input.
Release Notes Data Output Contains all the changes in the data input systems that are implemented for the current submission and which affect the member bank’s data output.
SAS Macro SAS Macro Validation Rules

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Erik Rustenburg

Data Operations Executive