GCD Recovery Rate Dashboard Banks & Financial Institutions April 2020




Global Credit Data’s Recovery Rate Dashboards for Corporates, Banks and Sovereign defaults provide an instant insight into observed recovery levels and other key benchmarks for various exposure classes, industry sectors and collateral types

The Dashboards inform business and risk managers trying to assess the impact of the Covid-19 crisis with pandemic stress tests and recalibration of models while major industries (aviation, oil & gas, transportation, retail, hospitality …) are severely affected by the crisis.

The long time span of the data covers a complete credit loss history of past downturns (especially the financial crisis) to allow anticipating the not yet foreseeable impact of the current crisis. The analytics are produced using Global Credit Data’s credit risk data collected from its member banks in a structured, uniform way.

GCD’s data is strong – collected from more than 50 banks globally, covering over 20 years of history and key industry sectors.







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Nina Brumma

Methodology & Membership Executive