LGD-EAD Platform Documentation Index

Description: A single pdf document containing all necessary documents in one: User Handbook, Data Guide, Release Notes, example files and guidance for the example files. Note that all these PDFs have attachments (the paperclip section) where the required files could...

Release Notes previous versions

Description: Members working on our database can download here a package which includes all older release notes from H1/2016 to H1/2023(the information is relevant to assess the changes in the database over time)  

PD Report Large Corporates 2023

Description: This Probability of Default (PD) report covers a reference data set of 85,000 large corporate exposures, provided by 28 banks. At the pool level, the Through-The-Cycle Probability of Default (TTC PD) is stable over time with a value of around 0.2% on...