Unresolved Defaults LGD Study 2020

Description: This report describes the Global Credit Data (GCD) methodology for calculating loss given defaults (LGDs) for unresolved loans. The methodology benefits from GCD’s detailed and granular collection of post-default cash flow data and is based on...

Downturn LGD Study 2020

Description: This Global Credit Data (GCD) study looks into the historical effects of previous downturns on bank credit losses across various debtor types, industries and regions, with a view to helping banks understand not only the high-level impacts of a downturn,...

LGD Report Large Corporates 2020

Description: This Loss Given Default (LGD) report covers a reference data set of 11,572 defaulted borrowers and 19,805 facilities from 58 lenders worldwide. The data set is specific to large corporate borrowers, defined by their sales or assets being above €50m....