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Working Group LGD Reference Model (September 24, 2019)

Working Group LGD Reference Model Agenda: Introduction Data preparation Reference model development Single-stage results Aganda:

Special Working Group LGD Reference Model (15/7/2019)

Dear LGD reference model WG members, Since two weeks, we’ve had discussions with FCG, Pubudu and the chairs of the WG. The situation is now clarified in that the extension would require a delay of minimum 6 weeks with risks regarding the validity of applying the LC RDS onto this new scope. Therefore, it is asked to vote pro or cons the extension of the scope. Please vote by email by replying to this email to or by attending the last special WG this Monday July 15th at 2pm-2:30pm CET / 8am-8:30am EDT / 10pm-10:30pm AEST  .   Detailed information: Arguments for the rescoping: a) The current study is based on the assumption that the Large Corporate segmentation is representative for LGD modelling. Basing on this assumption may lead to inaccurate results. b) The study is not relevant for banks that don’t use the Basel FAC segmentation (eg. Canadian banks).   Arguments against the rescoping: a) An estimated delay of minimum 6 weeks will occur given that we need to rescope from a LC to a total scope. It means Modelling done by mid-September and Documentation done by mid-October. This planning doesn’t take into consideration the definition of a […]

Special Working Group LGD Reference Model (24/6/2019)

Special Working Group LGD Reference Model Agenda: Extension of the scope of the Working Group to include all FAC. Aganda: