GCD Climate Risk Focus Group | ESG scoring for financial institutions


ESG scoring for financial institutions Wednesday, June 26th at 09:00 EDT/15:00 CEST Registrations are sent to focus group members This session is a part of the GCD Climate Risk Focus Group's webinar series. The focus group serves as a center for collaboration and the sharing of expertise among ESG, climate, and risk professionals from banks and industry experts worldwide.    

GCD and UNEP FI – Credit Risk Assessment Methodologies for Climate Change – Information Session


We are delighted to invite you to the GCD and UNEP FI webinar “Global benchmarking survey on credit risk assessment methodologies for climate change” on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Global Credit Data (GCD) and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) have recently embarked on an important partnership aimed at enhancing ESG and climate risk efforts. This collaboration focuses on advancing the methodologies and benchmarks used by financial institutions to assess and manage climate risks. During the webinar, GCD and UNEP FI teams will provide insights into the project, detailing the objectives and expected outcomes for banks. Key topics include: -Identification of common credit risk assessment methodologies. -Benchmarking of modeling approaches for climate risk assessment. -Exploration of the impact of varying assessment methodologies on the quantification of climate risks. This webinar presents a great opportunity for banks to join the discussion with peers and provide feedback on the project as well as understand how your institution can contribute to and benefit from this important collaboration. To accommodate different regions, we have scheduled two sessions: Register for the EMEA and APAC session: Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 10:00 CEST / 18:00 AEST. Register for the Americas and EMEA session: […]

GCD PD & Ratings Data Pool Sub-Committee Meeting


Thursday 5th September at 1400 CET / 0800 EST. PD & Rating cycle 2024 GCD Masterscale PD reports Financial information sourcing Asset Correlation Materials will be distributed before the meeting.

Webinar: US Office Buildings Struggle with Declining Property Values


Join us as we dive deeper into the findings of our latest US Real Estate Recovery Rates Report. 📅 When: Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 09:00 EST / 15:00 CEST 📈 What to Expect: Analyzing the drop in recovery rates for defaults during the COVID-19 era and its effects on the Office Sector.     

GCD Nordic Forum Stavanger 19 September 2024

Register now for our Nordic forum, hosted by SpareBank on 19 September 2024 When: 12:00 - 18:00, 19 September 2024 Where: SpareBank 1 SR-Bank, Stavanger Norway Event website: https://events.globalcreditdata.org/GCDNordicForumStavangerSeptember2024

GCD Climate Risk Focus Group Meeting | Discussion on climate-impacted industries


Climate Risk Focus Group Discussion on Industry/Sectors  Wednesday, October 9th at 10:00 EST / 16:00 CET This session will focus on refining the breakdown of industry codes, which play a key role in accurately capturing climate-impacted industries in the GCD Data pools (PD and LGD) Attendees: GCD Member Banks Host: Hale Tatar, GCD  

Benchmarking PD & LGD Using GCD Data


Ever wonder how other banks leverage our data? Joseph Tagne from Equitable Bank, in Canada, presented this topic at the GCD Toronto Conference last spring. He showed how banks can effectively use our data to benchmark PD and LGD metrics. There was a lot of interest at the event, and demand for the material even by those who couldn't attend. Therefore, we are delighted to offer you an opportunity to hear directly from Joseph, as he presents the same content at our upcoming webinar. Who should attend? Anyone working with GCD Data, new or seasoned, will benefit from the insights.

GCD Representativeness Framework Discussion

How can you guarantee that the external credit risk data you wish to use aligns with your internal data? Join us as we leverage insights from banks, regulatory bodies, and academic institutions to create a framework, guideline, and code that will help ensure and validate credit risk data representativeness