Unresolved Defaults LGD Study 2020

Description: This report describes the Global Credit Data (GCD) methodology for calculating loss given defaults (LGDs) for unresolved loans. The methodology benefits from GCD’s detailed and granular collection of post-default cash flow data and is based on...

GCD Recovery Rate Dashboard Aircraft October 2020

Description:Global Credit Data’s Recovery Rate Dashboards for Aircraft Finance defaults provide an instant insight into observed recovery levels and other key benchmarks for various exposure classes, industry sectors and collateral types. The Dashboards inform...

GCD Recovery Rate Dashboard Real Estate October 2020

Description:Global Credit Data’s Recovery Rate Dashboards for Real Estate defaults provide an instant insight into observed recovery levels and other key benchmarks for various exposure classes, industry sectors and collateral types. The Dashboards inform...

GCD Recovery Rate Dashboard Shipping October 2020

Description:Global Credit Data’s Recovery Rate Dashboards for Ship Finance defaults provide an instant insight into observed recovery levels and other key benchmarks for various exposure classes, industry sectors and collateral types. The Dashboards inform...